Tom Fackender
Email: [email protected]
Betty Serow
Email: [email protected]
Art Wright
Email: [email protected]
Almost all of the work is done here at home. Very few of us go to Haiti!
Please consider doing one or more of the following:
The Mission of the Haiti Outreach Ministry is to help the Catholic families of Haiti become economically self-sufficient.
The Good Shepherd Haiti Outreach Ministry was founded in 2016, when we began a partner relationship with St. Dominque Catholic Church in Marigot. As planned, we concluded our relationship with St. Dominque Church in 2022. We have many fond memories of the friends we made there and leave behind a legacy of both a livestock and village bank programs that continue to grow and prosper. Both programs continue to be managed by Fr. Levielle and parish leadership. During our time with St. Dominque, Good Shepherd also provided funding for pews at St. Matthew Chapel and a new roof at St. Andrew Chapel. We believe we can confidently say that our partnership with St. Dominque improved the lives of many of its families.
In 2022, we began a new partnership with Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Jacmel. Through the generosity of Good Shepherd parishioners we have been able to establish both a livestock and sacramental marriage program. We provided funds to purchase 80 goats for parish families. In a short time the program has grown to serve over 125 families. Forty-seven families have already returned a female off-spring to the program so that new families may participate. We also contributed funds for a sacramental marriage program that resulted in 26 couples participating in the Sacrament of Marriage. This allows them and their families to more fully participate in the life of the parish, and most importantly receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. When Father Marc Rousseau visited Tallahassee in January 2024 to express his gratitude for our help, we also discussed the potential creation of new sustainable programs, including a parish store, bakery and poultry business to support parish programs.