Father Jacob invites all new registered altar servers on February 23 or March 9 (choose one - no RSVP necessary) after the Noon Mass for training. Click title for details and to register for altar serving.
On Sunday, February 2 is the feast of the Presentation of the Lord Jesus in the Temple. It commemorates Simeon’s famous prophecy that Jesus would be a “light of revelation to the Gentiles.” It is also known as Candlemas since it is the day that candles are blessed for use throughout the Church year. This year, the traditional blessing of candles to be used at home will take place during the 8:00 AM Mass. Parishioners are invited to bring the candles they will use at home this year to Mass and place them on the table near the altar for the blessing.
Monday, February 3—The church remembers St. Blaise. Good Shepherd will celebrate the sacramental blessing of the throats at all Masses. Since the 8th century St. Blaise has been invoked on behalf of the sick, especially regarding disease or illness of the throat.
Calling all CURRENT Eucharistic Ministers! Please click title to chose a date for refresher training. Thank you for serving in this very important ministry.
The Men of Good Shepherd invite you on Saturday, February 8, 2025 to their annual Italian Feast!
Two seating times: 5:00 & 6:30 PM
Dinner features two varieties of pasta with a choice of two sauces.. We will also serve our famous homemade meatballs, sausage, garlic bread, salad, desserts, and iced tea or lemonade.
Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for children under 18, and a $30 cap for families. Coming to the Italian Feast? You can also purchase your St. Patty's dinner tickets that evening! Click title for more details.
Less than one week before Valentine’s Day, on Saturday, February 8, Good Shepherd Parishioners will be spreading LOVE around Tallahassee!!! There are opportunities for all ages to get involved to serve including bunk bed builds for children without beds, painting interior of a home for the elderly poor, gardening for food for the hungry, and more! Click title for details.