The purpose of this survey is to attempt to identify the unique needs of our parishioners. Thank you for taking a few moments to share your thoughts on this important initiative.
We would like as many people as possible to complete this survey so we can attempt to:
+ Learn more about the needs of parishioners with disabilities, and their caregivers.
+ Make sure we are doing what we can to serve and support parishioners with disabilities, and their caregivers.; and
+ Make sure people with disabilities and their caregivers can enjoy full participation in the life of our church.
There are many different kinds of disability, which might include:
+ A physical disability, for example someone who might use a
wheelchair, walker, cane, or similar.
+ An intellectual or cognitive disability or learning difficulty, for example someone with Down syndrome or someone on the Autism Spectrum;
+ A sensory disability, for example someone who is hearing or vision impaired,
+ A mental health condition which limits a person’s ability to participate in church, for example anxiety or depression.