We’ll be “diving into friendship with God” the first week of June!
Family kick-off on Sunday, June 2
VBS week on Monday-Friday, June 3-7
Register rising PK4 through 5th grade participants by Clicking Here
We need YOU to make VBS awesome!
Volunteer Training & Set-up on Saturday, June 1
Family kick-off on Sunday, June 2
VBS week on Monday-Friday, June 3-7
Children of adult volunteers attend VBS at no charge.
Youth volunteers gain service hours and have FUN doing it!
Adult and youth volunteers sign up NOW by Clicking Here
Other ways to support VBS: Donations needed: Make checks payable to Good Shepherd
with "VBS donation" in the memo line.
Monetary donations will go toward snacks.
(We provide over 250 snacks each day of VBS!)
Or select an item from our wishlist: Click here for our wishlist
Are you crafty?? Help create a decoration to enhance our theme.
(email Kelly Emerson: [email protected])
Contact Us
Diana Grosh
Director of Children's Faith Formation -Pre School - 6th Grade